Wild Rescues: Template

🐾 Wild Rescues

Rescue. Rehibilitate. Release.

We are grateful for the support from our community partners. We have many sponsorship opportunities

Sponsorship Levels

Green: $200

Blue: $400

Red: $600

Purple: $800

Silver: $1,000

Gold: $1,500

Each sponsorship supports our animals and operations. Business recognition is given at every sponsorship level. Contact us today to become a sponsor.

Spondorship Level Dollar Amount Details Sponsorship Benefits
Green $200 The green sponsorship helps us maintain green pastures for our grazing friends. Reccognition on our website.
Blue $400 The blue sponsorship helps us provide food for the animals. Recognition on our website and our brochure.
Red $600 The red sponsorship helps us provide medical care for the animals. Recognition on our website and our brochure. Business logo displayed on a banner at our facility.
Purple $800 The purple sponsorship helps us maintain homes for the animals. Regonition on our website and our brochure. Business logo displayed on a banner at our facility. Business name and logo displayed at annual community event.
Silver $1,000 The silver sponsorship supports our monthly expenses. Regonition on our website and our brochure. Business logo displayed on a banner at our facility. Business name and logo displayed at annual community event. Recognition plaque with business name prominently displayed within facility.
Gold $1,500 The gold sponsorship supports our operation costs. Regonition on our website and our brochure. Business logo displayed on a banner at our facility. Business name and logo displayed at annual community event. Recognition plaque with business name prominently displayed within facility. Display table at the annual commuinty event. Recognition in all media releases.